Dealing With A Bench Warrant in Arizona

Pima County Sheriff's Deputy or Tucson Police Officer examines papers for bench warrant at traffic stop in Tucson Arizona.

Criminal bench warrants are pretty common in Arizona, especially bench warrants issued in misdemeanor cases. Judges issue a bench warrant to force people into court after they have missed a court date, failed to respond to a court summons, or failed to complete a court ordered sentence. Some people with misdemeanor bench warrants don’t even…

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Dealing With A DUI Investigation

Suspect in Tucson AZ DUI or drunk driving investigation ordered to do field sobriety tests on the side of the road after traffic stop

If the police suspect you are driving under the influence (“DUI”), they will begin a DUI investigation.  Like any criminal investigation, a DUI investigation can be very stressful and sometimes confusing.  Understanding how a DUI investigation is normally conducted can help you get through it without unwittingly providing police with “evidence” of guilt.  The way…

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What You Should Do If Stopped By The Police

Santa dealing with an arrest booking photo after being stopped by police in Tucson Arizona

With the holiday season in full swing, I thought it would be appropriate to review the basic rights we all have when dealing with the police and provide some suggestions for those unfortunate enough to have contact with the police in the midst of their holiday reverie.  While most people pondering the holidays may envision…

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